ACADEMIC CALANDER, B.Ed. Session 2018-2020 Sem 1st and 2017-2019 Sem 3rd

Session Starting from 10th October 2018

Month Working Days Holidays Academic Activities CCA/SW
October 11.10.2018 to 31.10.2018 (22days) 09 days Dussehara holidays Orientation from October 10th to 15th. (Unit-1st of all course) Morning Assembly Preparation (Prayers and Group Songs)
November 01.11.2018 to 30.11.2018(18days) 12 days Deepawali holidays, Children’s Day 1. Curriculum Construction and Evaluation Activities
2. Review of story with brief report
(Unit 1st and 2nd of all course)
1. Fill Examination Form ,
2. Celebration of Children’s Day,
3. Play Game (Kho-Kho),
other activities
December 01.12.2018 to 31.12.2018 (24days) 7 days X-Mas day 1. Survey report on progress on education of marginalized groups of society
2. Case study on speech defect students of society (Unit 3rd of all course )
1. Class debate
2. Class Test
2. X-Mas day celebration
4. first-aid box preparation
January 01.01.2019 to 31.01.2019 (14 days) Winter vacations 15 days 17 days Winter Vacations 1. Psychological Test (Intelligence Test)
2. Survey report on health and hygienic (Unit 4th of all
1. Winter Vacations (15 days)
2. Debate and discussion
February 01.02.2019 to 28.02.2019 (24 days) 04 days Basant panchami 1. Internal Exams of all subjects (Unit 5th of all course ) 1. Basant panchami celebration
March 01.03.2019 to 31.03.2019 ( 25 days) 06 days Mahashivratri Holi External exams (proposed) 1. Mahashivratri 2.Holi celebration
Note:- 3rd Sem Teaching Internship Programme (16 weeks) in different Schools..

Co-Curriculum Activities (Every Saturday)

Submission of Records-

  • Curriculum Construction and Evaluation Activities (Last Week of November).
  • Review of story with brief report (Last Week of November).
  • Survey report on progress on education of marginalized groups of society (Last Week of December).
  • Case study on speech defect students of society (Last Week of December).
  • Psychological Test (Intelligence Test)(Mid Week of January).
  • Survey report on health and hygienic (Last Week of January).
  • Internal Exams of all subjects (First Week of February).
  • External exams (proposed) (First Week of March).
  • Last submission of records held on February ( last week).

(Schedules are liable to change according to the university schedule)